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COVID-19 Updates

June 21, 2022

The mandatory mask wearing requirement while in the building has been removed. However, we still recommend wearing a mask wherever possible.

May 8, 2022

In-person fellowship has resumed. Although we maintained the mask mandate, they can be removed while seated and eating/drinking. Tables are spread out to maximize distance between groups and windows will be open whenever possible, to increase air circulation.

April 17, 2022

Session has approved removing the Proof of Vaccination requirement to attend in-person worship, funerals, weddings, baptisms and all group meetings. In addition, active screening of attendees will cease but self-screening is highly encouraged.

Feb 4, 2022

The Session has approved the Reopening Committee's recommendation to return to in-person worship beginning on Sunday, February 13th. All Groups can begin to meet at the church starting Monday, February 14th

Dec 30, 2021

The Trinity Session has made the difficult decision to suspend in-person worship and small group meetings at the church until further notice.

Worship will continue online through our Livestream. Only those directly involved in leading the services will be present in the sanctuary.

We are aware that this news may bring disappointment and discouragement, especially with all of the positive steps we have taken over the last six months.

However, we are hopeful this is only a temporary setback and we will be moving forward together again soon.

Until that time, we pray that the Lord will keep us all safe and healthy in these trying times.

Dec 7, 2021

With the announcement by the Provincial Government, churches can now elect to require worship service attendees to provide proof of identification and of being fully vaccinated.

The session has approved our recommendation to move in that direction. This means we can go back to our normal capacity as of November 7th, 2021.

Please note that mask-wearing will still be mandatory.

If you wish to attend in person on Sunday: 

  • Your Proof of identification: Driver’s license/Health card

  • Proof of being fully vaccinated. 

Is required and recorded by an usher the first time you attend.


*The only exemptions permitted to attend will be for unvaccinated people with medical exemptions and those under 12 years old.

Please don’t attend if you feel unwell, even if they are not typical Covid-19 symptoms.


Trinity Presbyterian Church

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720 Ninth Ave,

Hamilton, ON  L8T 2A3

Tel: (905) 385 - 5984

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